If you are an employee at a firm, you must have complete knowledge about the employee’s rights. It has been seen at many firms that employees are not treated well or according to their rights. Negligence in not knowing your rights has affected your relationship with your employer. Hence, you need to know about your legal rights in New Jersey. An experienced Employment Lawyer East Windsor New Jersey, can help you protect your rights and get justice if you think your employee rights are violated.
Minimum wage payment
When it comes to knowing your employee rights, the first right you should know is that New Jersey has guaranteed a minimum amount of 15 USD for every worker at any firm. The same law goes for the tipped workers. Hence, if you are a tipped worker, then you should earn a minimum tip of 15 USD.
Timely payments and overtime payments
New Jersey has a law guaranteeing a minimum wage for employees. Likewise, they set some standard laws for timely payments, such as that the employees should be paid twice a month on paydays to make sure that they are adequately compensated. The law for overtime payments is that if an employee works for 40 hours in a week, then he/she should be paid one and a half times the standard pay rates for their efforts.
Workplace safety
When it comes to ensuring the safety of the workplace, employers are held responsible for it. Therefore, the employer has to make sure to provide all kinds of security at the workplace so that no employee should get hurt or feel unsafe. It includes property maintenance, a friendly environment, prevention of any hazardous obstacles or conditions, and many more. Furthermore, employees should not face any discrimination or harassment at their workplace. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Act, employees are free to complain if there is any concern about safety at their workplace.
Leaves of absence
When it comes to taking leave, employees have two types of leave –paid leave and unpaid leave. Employees are given up to twelve weeks of paid and unpaid leave if there is any family member seriously ill or injured. Moreover, employees have the right to take these leaves when they are going through court hearings if they are diagnosed with some serious disease or if they have to meet at a healthcare facility for their or their children’s health care.
Contact your lawyer today!
If you are not appropriately treated at your workplace or facing any issues regarding your rights, consider making an appointment with your lawyer to defend your rights and get fair treatment.