Classroom is the place which is known as a temple where the mentor gives knowledge and information to the students about various subjects and topics. A classroom is usually a teacher centred room where the whole class is managed by the teacher only, where he manages the whole classroom and provides information and knowledge to the students. Students have many facilities these days for studying and learning like LMS portals in online learning. LMS portals help the students in their online learning in every possible way. Classroom teaching makes students comfortable with collaborative learning. Under the classroom learning when students become self-aware about how the other students go through learning and students get to learn more from other students also. In classroom teaching students learn how to work in team work and learn team building skills as whenever they are given any task by the teacher to be performed as a team, then they have to perform their part in the group and accomplish the task as whole.
Classroom teaching provides students to go through critical thinking skills through which students become able to go through debates and group discussions successfully. This skill becomes beneficial for the students in their future also where in interviews they become successful in group discussions and personal interviews having experience of the same in classroom learning. In a classroom, students’ study with other students which becomes a mass of students where students interact with each other and make their own peer group according to their interest. In these ways students learn how to interact with new people and also to the authoritative personalities as they build a bond with their tutors also. This kind of atmosphere helps students learn social skills and survive as a good citizen in the society.
More importantly in classroom teaching, teachers develop some qualities in the students which helps them survive in their further professional life such as they induce organisational skills in the name of discipline. For example, students are advised to arrive at school in time, they are given homework, assignments, projects to accomplish in time for which they are rewarded also if accomplished in time and get punished also if not completed in time. As a result, students come out of their childhood mode and start to pay attention to the tasks they are given and they start to organize their study schedule and syllabus also. In a classroom teaching a mentor or a teacher is always there to guide and stimulate the children. In absence students get lazy sometimes whereas in his or her presence students get inspired to study properly, on the other hand they have a role model to ask anything they want related to their study and learning.
Students go to school, learn and benefit from their present to decorate their future. And no child should be left behind in getting education. Taking this in concern, the government formulated a chain of public schools where fees were minimum and students can get all the facilities which they required for proper study and learning process. But over a few years it has been a matter of discussion that the size of classes should be reduced because classes filled with more than ample number of students are becoming a problem for student’s learning as they are unable to ask their queries and get their answers. Every educational institution prefers ERP for school as a better option for regulating effective management as ERP for school induces all the beneficial procedures which enhances teaching-learning process like arranging only that many students in a class which can be taught and administered by tutor effectively. Reason why private tuition culture is nourishing in India is that they knowingly keep the number of students less in a batch so as to give concentration to the students.
It is found in studies that smaller sized classrooms provide more chances to the students to study and ask more queries to the tutors so that their confusion can be clarified. With smaller sized classrooms teachers get a chance to focus on each and every student properly. In smaller sized classes students get more chances to interact with teachers and understand their teachings in a detailed manner. Students get to know their tutor in depth apart from that robust face which the teacher is seen in often. Though smaller sized classrooms inherit many advantages but few important ones are discussed as below:
- Tutor doesn’t have to shout & waste time while teaching to make the students keep silent in the class for a smooth teaching-learning process.
- Students get more time to know about their tutors and their teaching styles and they explore it also & this makes the students participate more and more in the class activities organized by the tutor.
- Tutors get more time to focus on the students and to perform research work to search for more information for the students and to bring new data for them.
- Even those students who are introverted and feel shy to speak in a crowd, they also start to muster the courage to speak and interact in class.
- When the size of the class is smaller and the density of students is lighter, then tutors become free to focus more on teaching properly instead of maintaining only discipline in the class and controlling notorious activities of kids in a crowded class.