The feeling that you are not safe or someone is following you everywhere can be dreadful. Fortunately, some rules and regulations set by the law help you safeguard yourself in public and private settings. You must file a restraining order immediately, whether a family member or a stranger if you feel that the person is showing stalker behavior.
In such cases, you must go to the police first and then fix a meeting with a family lawyer as soon as possible. If you want to know how an attorney can help you with your restraining order against a family member or a stranger, visit our website and book an appointment today.
Different types of restraining orders
EPO or Emergency Protective Order
Emergency Protective Order is a common law used in domestic violence cases. Here a law officer can seek an immediate restraining order if they have a shred of concrete evidence to believe that the person seeking protection has been in contact with domestic violence and abuse. The restraining order will restrict the person responsible for domestic violence from coming near the victims, no matter the situation.
An EPO can be only my requested DNA from a law enforcement officer to protect the person from a potential threat. In most states, judges must be available all day and night to approve a restraining order if a police officer requests it.
If the restraining order is urgent, it can only be approved by a judge and, if not, a commissioner.
TRO or Temporary Restraining Order
A temporary restraining order has a 20-25 days period which the court approves because of any immediate threat you might need protection from. This rest is if the charge lasts only a couple of days before the court decides on a trial to hear your case.
At the end of the restringing order, the court will arrange a trial where the judge will determine whether to extend and make the restraining order permanent. The decision depends on your case and evidence against the person you filed for a restraining order.
To ensure that you are provided with appropro=aited protection from the person who tried to harm you, make sure you hire an experienced lawyer who will fight for your rights.
Permanent Restraining Order
A permanent restraining order is issued after your trials of the temporary restraining disorders. Once your temporary restraining disorder ends, the judge will decide whether to grant you a permanent protection order or not, depending on the details and severity of your case.