The welding wire standard consists of Filler Wire, Fille Rods, Wire Electrodes and Cover Electrode. Filler wires are made of non-alloy steel, alloy steel. The equipment center, grinding machines, grinding wheels and various tools for welding work of all kinds. We have a team of highly experienced professionals to give advice and consultation to all customers.
Hard alloys, hard metals and alloys are available. Iron group used for surface masking of ferrous metals.
1. Fill wire assortment
Rods and wires are categorized according to the chemical composition of the flux-coated wire and the fluxes are categorized according to the chemistry of the weld (Table 1).
1.1 The original type of metal has a high iron content.
Alloy Group 1
This group of filler metals is used for surfacing of non-alloyed or alloyed steels or where special weld hardness is not required. In this case, the weld metal is not resistant to wear and the weld metal can also be machine-treated.
implementation Butt weld, back weld, filet weld and
Alloy Group 2
Primer welding Group 1 alloys have better wear resistance than group 1 alloys because the original metals This group has a harder base structure and contains carbides in the weld metal. usually not
Able to finish welding by machine have been put to use Use the chimney to run the wheel.
Alloy Group 3
These former metals generally require a high-hardness weld metal at high temperatures, usually containing W Cr, and occasionally Mo, N., Y, and Co alloys. It has a martensite structure.
The annealed weld can be machined to a red hardness up to 500 °C. The weld must be heated before welding and cooled slowly to prevent cracking.
implementation Tools for use at high temperatures (Hot Working)
Alloy Group 4
This group of original metals has a mixture of elements similar to high speed steel.
They contain elements W, Mo, Cr and V, and in many cases (Co) are also added. Hardening is not necessary. However, hardness can be obtained after 1 or 2 tempier weld filets. Pre- and post-weld heat treatments must be performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
implementation Cutting tools Mandrels, cutting blades, drill bits, etc.
Alloy Group 5
This group of former metals contains 5-30% chromium and not more than 0.2% carbon. The weld texture has increased hardness with martensite structure. Plaster welding can be performed on metal with parts similar to alloys and on steel structure with low strength as well. This type of filler metal cannot always be machined Pre- and post-weld heating is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Applications : Used to mask surfaces to resist scaling. (Gas atmosphere containing sulfur) and when chromium is mixed with 12% or more and will also prevent rust as well, including valve parts, parts of the stove.
Alloy Group 6
This group of filler metals is similar to group 5 but has a high carbon content. have higher hardness and have low resistance to rust The weld content is hardened in air (Ar 500 HB Hardening) and grinding operations are possible only. Welding should be heated before welding 200-300 °C.
Applications : Cutting tools, blades and rolls for cold rolling.
Alloy Group 7
This original metal has a weld texture similar to that of manganese steel. and there are other elements reassemble as shown in Table 1
This type of weld material is suitable for Work Hardening work, that is, there must be force to act in order to Hardness or stiffness from use Hardness ranges from 180 to 550 HB, but is not suitable for abrasive wear resistance. Weld filets are usually not machined. If done, a solid metal tool will be used. The workpiece to be welded during welding must be kept as cold as possible. to get the effect of
Toughness is satisfactory.
Applications : Surface reinforcement in large areas, such as wear plates, etc. Alloy Group 8
This group of filler metals has higher toughness than group 7, can be hardened by work hardening, are resistant to rust, do not require heat treatment, can be machined, are non-magnetic.
Applications: Components of rock crushers with mild loads, railway tracks and parts of water tanks.
Alloy Group 9
This group of filler metals has a composition equivalent to that of welding wire Ni-Cr electrodes. The same steel, chromium iron and steel general structure Weld meat has the ability good corrosion resistance Weld meat can be cold formed. and has high toughness can also be decorated with machines
Applications : Used for welding corrosion resistant or heat resistant work.
Alloy Group 10
The welding wire content obtained from this group of electrodes is similar to carbon-added chromium steel and may or may not form carbides. The carbon content is 2.7% and the chromium is not more than 40%. The weld material contains carbides in the austenite structure. The weld hardness will increase. increases with increasing carbon content but not added by heat treatment. Weld meat can be decorated. By grinding only, if heated before welding reduces susceptibility to cracking. Resistant weld meat is deep?
Applications : Used for welding repair works in mines and metallurgical steel factories. construction machinery parts, agricultural machinery and powder metal teeth