A Website is a collection of web pages (plus associated resources) that share a common domain name. The web pages are linked together with explicit links–mostly in the form of clickable portions of text–that allow visitors to move from one page of the site to another.
Choosing Your Web Hosting
Once you have your domain name, you need to find a suitable host to house your website. A good host will provide a stable environment that will be able to support your website over the years.
How Does Your Website Work?
Once a visitor enters your domain name into their browser, it sends a request to the web server holding your files. Then the server processes those files and displays them on the user’s screen in a few seconds.
The content of your website is a combination of HTML and CSS documents, images and other information. Those documents are then displayed on the screen by the browser in a few seconds, ideally two to five seconds.
Most websites have a navigation bar that helps users navigate the structure of the website. They also feature a footer that contains additional information such as disclaimers, terms of service and contact details. A good site will also include a number of internal links to help visitors find more of the information they’re looking for, as well as external links that point to similar websites or resources.