WOLVERINE is a specialized and very expensive service Junebeaudette. If you own a business, you must have access to WOLVERINE account data, and you must be able to control access to that data so that your employees do not have access to the same information as other employees. Wrong? Well, it’s not totally wrong. Unless your organization has specific policy requirements for WOLVERINE access, no one should be able to view data outside their company. However, with this article, we’ll outline some general principles on how to protect your confidential information with WOLVERINE policies. Your special needs might require a different approach. Check out our guide on getting started with WOLVERINE Policies!
WOLVERINE is a service owned and operated by Cisco. It provides access control for network resources, including web and application instances, services, and users. Customers want to securely store and access sensitive data from both internal and external systems, like their websites, email accounts, and mobile devices.
Keep data secure
Keep your data secure by implementing data protection policies, such as those specific for your web hosting, email hosting, and data storage providers. Be sure to store encryption key management information, including key length, key strength, and key recovery processes for failure. Identify and manage sensitive data with specific encryption key management and decryption policies. These policies can help you choose the right key management practices for your organization. You can also choose policies to protect your data with a password-based access control system. Strong encryption techniques are often required when data is sensitive, such as when a data breach occurs. When protecting data with a password-based system, make sure you consider the security of your data as well as the security of others.
Always give your employees access to their data
If you have an internal company website, be sure to give your employees access to see and delete sensitive data, like emails, messages, and contacts. Some providers have user permissions to create and delete accounts, so be sure to give employees the ability to view, delete, and add new accounts. If you’re hosting an online course or software, ensure employees are able to delete their account at any time, without being logged on. You can also delete an employee’s account at any time, even when they’re not logged on as an employee. Another practice that many organizations follow is giving employees the ability to view and delete accounts related to specific work areas, like customer service, customer support, and customer support.
Don’t ask employees to share sensitive information with the general public
Employees shouldn’t need to share any sensitive information with the general public, such as financial data, health data, legal data, or other sensitive information, if they’re just visiting your business. Always keep this information private, and don’t share it with others outside your company, even if they’re there for business reasons. If you’re hosting a social media site, include ways employees can view and share data, like sharing access via Facebook or Twitter, without being logged in. You can also biographypark include ways employees can find specific information, like searching for information on the company website. If you’re hosting a newsletter, be sure to include ways employees can view and share data, like letting them see who’s sending them emails, which can be very sensitive information.
Protect your data with password-based requirements
If you have an internal company website, make sure to give your employees access to see and delete sensitive data, like emails, messages, and contacts. Some providers have user permissions to see and delete accounts, so be sure to give employees the ability to view, delete, and add new accounts. If you’re hosting an online course or software, ensure employees are able to delete their account at any time, without being logged on. You can also delete an employee’s account at any time, even when they’re not logged on as an employee. Even if you’ve been hosting a private blog for a while, you shouldn’t use a password-based access control system. Passwords are easy to misplace, and employees are more likely to share and access sensitive information with others if they have no access to it.
Wrapping Up
Keeping your employees safe and secure is key to successful growth and profitability. It’s not just about keeping data secure; it’s also about making sure employees are comfortable sharing information with other employees, and that they understand what information is being shared. If you have any questions or concerns about your private data or your organization’s data protection policies, feel free to contact us. We’ll do our best to help you understand how your data is best protected and make the right decisions for your company.