The Jewish language, or Yiddish, is considered the tongue of fully observant, fully lived Jewish life. While nostalgia may be an imaginative project, it does not engage in the day-to-day reality of living a Jewish life. The Torah is intellectual and cerebral, not engaging in the physical world. As a result, the language of Judaism has a much more authentic and full-bodied feel than other languages.
Hebrew is different from other languages
The Hebrew language is very different from most other languages. Unlike many languages, Hebrew is not used in synagogues or in the rabbinate. Instead, it is used in schools and colleges to foster learning of the Jewish way of life. The most common example of this is the Sefer Yetzirah, a mystical text that explains the creation of the world by manipulating the Hebrew alphabet.
There are several ways to mark Jewish distinctiveness. The Hebrew Bible contains descriptions of the physical world. Biblical passages have been compared with classical antiquity astronomy. The Old Testament includes various cleansing rituals, such as those described in Leviticus 14:1-32. These are used in worship and sanctification. This tradition dates back to ancient times and has never lost its basic ethical monotheism.