Goiter can affect anyone, including children and older adults. Small goiters rarely cause any discomfort but may be a cause of concern in the future. However, the goiter may prevent you from carrying out your daily activities in severe cases. The contemporary goiter Newport Beach therapies guarantee relief from goiter symptoms without complications.
What are the different forms of goiter?
Goitre refers to an abnormal enlargement of your thyroid gland or an abnormal cell growth resulting in one or several lumps in your thyroid gland. This disorder can also be due to a fluctuation in your thyroid hormones or a gland malfunction. The most prevailing trigger of goiter is inadequate iodine in the diet.
Your treatment relies on the severity of your symptoms and the complications of goiter. It may be challenging to detect small goiters, but they don’t cause any symptoms in most cases and may not necessarily require treatment. The different forms of goiter include:
Endemic goiters
Also known as colloid goiters, this form of goiters is due to a lack of iodine in your food. Your thyroid utilizes iodine in creating thyroid hormones. It is a rare form, especially in countries where people add iodine to their table salt.
Non-toxic or sporadic goiters
The cause of sporadic goiters is still unknown. Medical experts believe that specific medical conditions and drugs can trigger their development.
Multinodular goiters
Multinodular goiter is due to the development of nodules in your thyroid. A goiter associated with hyperthyroidism is referred to as toxic. It implies that your thyroid gland releases too much hormone.
What factors contribute to goiter?
Goiter is your body’s reaction to factors that interfere with thyroid hormone production. While most goiters result from iodine deficiency, many factors can also contribute to its development, including Grave’s disease, thyroid cancer, pregnancy, Hashimoto’s disease, and thyroiditis. Grave’s disease is a disease in which your immune system mistakenly attacks your thyroid, triggering an abnormal enlargement.
Do goiters disappear on their own?
A simple goiter may occur and resolve within a short time without medical intervention. Most forms of goiter may not need treatment, but you may be at a high risk of developing hypothyroidism. If you suspect that you have a goiter, inform your doctor to determine the underlying cause and treat it.
What are the available treatments for goiter?
Your provider recommends treatment depending on the size of your thyroid, the cause, and the severity of your symptoms. If your goiter is small, Dr. Sean and his team may offer to monitor the thyroid for any complications. If goiter symptoms affect your daily life, your doctor may recommend medications levothyroxine to treat it.
In case of an overactive thyroid, your provider may recommend radioactive iodine treatment to kill the excess thyroid cells, shrinking the gland. In severe cases, your specialist may recommend surgery to remove the nodules or part of your thyroid.
For more information about goiters, call Dr. Sean or visit the website to create an appointment today.