I’m not exaggerating when I say that puberty hit me like a freight train and with it came some pretty nasty acne. We’re not talking about the occasional pimple or two, rather it was full-on, angry spots that became commonplace across my face. Now, you could say that I like this website – PanOxyl.com – a lot, and it’s because it freed me from this misery.
Before I found the site, I had tried everything from witchcraft (okay, maybe it was just witch hazel) to praying to the skin gods. Nothing worked. My acne was like that one guest at a party who doesn’t get the hint to leave, even when you start vacuuming around them.
Why I Like This Website So Much
You get the hint that I like this website, but I feel I need to go into the subject a bit more to explain why I like it as much as I do. Well, it was recommended to me by a friend, and because they’d given me good advice on other things before, I decided to follow their advice.
Just a few days into using the 4% benzoyl peroxide wash they sell on the site, I thought that it wasn’t going to work. I’d had false dawns before and to be honest, my skin didn’t feel great. I was dry peeling, and spots were still coming through. However, I stuck with it, and just a few days later, I got the encouragement I needed.
Slowly but surely, the tide began to turn. My acne, and my persistent acne, started to show signs of abating. Of course, it took some time, and it was something of a war of attrition, but slowly and surely, my breakouts got less angry and frequent.
Getting My Self-Confidence Back
The transformation I experienced wasn’t just skin-deep. With every blemish that disappeared, a piece of my self-confidence came back and, unlike before. I started accepting invitations to nights out that I would have previously avoided for fear of the spotlight on my skin. I even went on dates, something my acne-ridden self would have laughed off as a fantasy.
Of course, using benzoyl peroxide wasn’t all smooth sailing. There were days when I overdid it and ended up with dry skin, but moisturizer was there to save the day and give me the relief I needed to carry on.
Each time I used it was a reminder that improvement takes time, and every morning and night, I took heart from the fact there was an almost imperceptible, but still obvious sign that I was on the road to recovery. Today, I couldn’t be happier with how my skin looks.
I Like This Website – I Think You Might, Too If You Have Acne
Looking back, I can’t help but laugh at my initial skepticism. Benzoyl peroxide didn’t just change my skin; it changed my life. It also taught me the importance of a good moisturizer!
So, to anyone out there going through the frustration of acne that just won’t quit – relief comes in a bottle that has benzoyl peroxide on the bottle. My advice would be to give it a try, but take it nice and slow until you find your level. Then, you’ll find your level and be on the road to happy skin.